Training Sprint

The Training Sprint initiative is a collaborative effort of European Centres of Excellence (CoEs) and National Competence Centres (NCCs) and is designed to quickly disseminate the expertise and abilities of CoEs by offering training sessions dedicated to their codes, targeting end users across Europe.

Full list of the upcoming Training Sprint events: The portal for European HPC services

Introduction to EESSI – European Environment for Scientific Software Installations, 4 October 2024, organized by EuroCC Austria and Slovenia together with CoE MultiXscale

The European Environment for Scientific Software Installations (EESSI – pronounced “easy”) is a common stack of scientific software for HPC systems and beyond, including laptops, personal workstations, and cloud infrastructure. In many ways it works like a streaming service for scientific software, instantly giving you the software you need, when you need

EXCELLERAT P2: Scientific Visualization, October 28 – 29

This course is organized by EXCELLERAT P2, in collaboration with: NCC Germany This course is targeted at researchers with basic knowledge in numerical simulation, who would like to learn how to visualize their simulation results on the desktop but also in Augmented Reality and Virtual Environments. The two-day workshop gives a

Upcoming Events