Workshop on HPC for Mathematics and Applications, 9 October 2024, Sofia

Workshop on HPC for Mathematics and Applications, 9 October 2024, Sofia

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The workshop “High-performance computing for mathematics and its applications” was held in the IMI-BAS premises (“Akad. G. Bonchev” St., Bl. 8) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on 9th of October 2024. Innovative mathematical applications of high-performance computing (HPC) were presented, exploring advanced algorithms, innovative computational techniques, and case studies of real-world applications.

In recent years, the number of researchers in the field of theoretical and applied mathematics who use supercomputing resources has increased significantly. Data from the monitoring system of the Avitohol supercomputer shows that the number of completed tasks in the field of mathematics and ICT is 42%, and the share of computer time used is close to 50%.

This workshop is a platform for scientists and researchers to interact, exchange ideas and contribute to the growth of the WFP community in our country. The organizers plan next editions where researchers, students and professionals interested in the perspectives of HPC in mathematics and related fields can communicate, exchange ideas and contribute to the HPC achievements.

For more information (incl. the program): here