NCC Bulgaria

Тhe National Competence Centre in Bulgaria is built by a consortium, consisting of: the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT-BAS) – leading organisation, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (SU) and the University of National and World Economy (UNWE).

The goals of the NCC Bulgaria are:

  • Establish NCC Bulgaria as the focal point for current and potential users of HPC from SMEs, academia and public administration.
  • Create and maintain a comprehensive portfolio of services to streamline access to scientific/technical expertise and consulting and facilitate access to advanced equipment, competences, software codes and tools.
  • Establish stable foundation for local and national training, through identification of requirements, synergies and gaps, facilitating skills development and team-building in the area of HPC
  • Raise awareness and outreach on the benefits of HPC+ technologies and the available services of the NCC to potential user communities, including SMEs.
  • Fruitful collaborative activities with SMEs and Big industry within the framework of the NCC Bulgaria, with analysis of the lessons learned and best practices
  • Collaborate and exchange knowledge with the other NCCs, CoEs and related national initiatives and projects.