
High-Performance Computing, High-Performance Data Analytics and Large-Scale Machine Learning, organized by NCC Cyprus, 9 November, hybrid

This beginner-level training event will introduce attendees the basics of High Performance Computing, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence in a simple and engaging way. Through easy-to-follow lectures and hands-on activities, they will grasp the concepts behind deep learning and neural networks. In addition participants will get practical tips on using

Parallel Computing with MATLAB and Scaling MATLAB Code to the HPC Cluster. organized by NCC Czech Republic, 8 November 2023, hybrid

This two-part hands-on workshop will introduce participants to parallel computing with MATLAB so that they can solve computationally and data-intensive problems using multicore processors, GPUs, and computer clusters. The course will be delivered in hybrid mode. Participants can attend the course at IT4Innovations in Ostrava or online. For more information,

Thematic consultations for HPC users in Bulgaria, November 2023

Due to the great interest to the upcoming supercomputer HEMUS, NCC Bulgaria starts preliminary consultations for advanced users on how to migrate their applications to the new system. The first two thematic areas are AI and Climatology, and will be held at IICT premises (Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl. 25A),

Supercomputing for chemistry and materials science companies October 26th 2023, 09:00-11:00 CEST, hybrid event

Organizer: CSC Finland/NCC Finland This Supercomputing for chemistry and materials science companies seminar will introduce how companies can benefit from cutting-edge research methods such as molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations, powered by the LUMI supercomputer. The lecturers will outline what needs to be considered when working with a supercomputer and

Containers and Cloud-HPC for Virtual Human Twin October 26th 2023, 2:00 PM CEST, online

CompBioMed’s 32nd e-seminar “Containers and Cloud-HPC for Virtual Human Twin“ will take place at 2pm CEST on 26 October 2023.  Containers are a lightweight virtualization solution that provides better performance than other virtualisation solutions. They can be used to improve reproducibility, portability, deployability, and are suitable for Cloud-HPC. These are key

The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT-BAS) inaugurated a unique Complex for Digital Transformation and High-performance Computing

The new Infrastructure Complex for Digital Transformation and High-Performance Computing, developed under project “Center for Excellence in Informatics and ICT” was inaugurated on October 19th. Among the official guests at the ceremony were the Prime Minister of Bulgaria – Academician Nikolay Denkov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science –

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