Introduction to oneAPI, SYCL2020 and OpenMP offloading (NCC Germany)  13-15 Sept 2023, online

Introduction to oneAPI, SYCL2020 and OpenMP offloading (NCC Germany) 13-15 Sept 2023, online

Most current HPC systems are heterogeneous and use accelerators. oneAPI is a standardized and portable programming model adapted to heterogeneous computing. In this course we will provide an introduction to Intel’s oneAPI implementation, which supports two portable methods of heterogeneous computing: Data Parallel C++ (DPC) with SYCL and OpenMP for C, C++, and Fortran. Both are portable on any Intel CPU and Intel based accelerator. The course will give an introduction in these two programming methods, Intel’s libraries like oneMKL and tools for performance analysis, profiling, and debugging. Further an introduction to Intel’s DPC compatibility Tool to facilitate code migration from CUDA to SYCL and to Intel’s MPI

Organizer: HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany, online

Prerequisites and content levels: Good knowlegde any of C/C++/Fortran and familiarity with usual OpenMP programming is sufficient for the OpenMP part. For Data Parallel C++/SYCL knowlegde of C++11 or later is recommended (C++17 very much faciliates SYCL2020 programming).

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