Interview with Prof. Emanouil Atanassov for

The Bulgarian supercomputer HEMUS has been operating in our country for a few days now. It is part of the Complex for digital transformation and high performance computing developed by the Center of Excellence in Informatics and ICT, which is part of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and was financed by Operational Program “Science and Education for Smart Growth” through the European Regional Development Fund. What is a supercomputer, what can it be used for, how HEMUS will contribute to elevating science to another level in our country, what is the difference between HEMUS and the supercomputer Discoverer in Sofia Tech Park, what does it mean for Bulgaria to have such powerful machines, how the business in our country can take advantage of it –  you can find the answers to these and other questions by reading the entire interview with Prof. Emanouil Atanassov here: