On February 27, 2024 the Intelligent IT 2024: Shaping the Future of Technology and Business forum took place at Sofia Event Center. The event was organized by Hewlett Packard Enterprise, operated by Selectium and provided a special chance for IT professionals, business leaders, and tech enthusiasts to acquire practical knowledge, discover creative solutions, and network with industry specialists. It offered a thorough overview of how Edge Computing, Hybrid Cloud, and AI are coming together to transform modern businesses. The event featured discussions on hybrid cloud development, sophisticated data handling and analysis, and the impact of supercomputing in AI & HPC. The main keynote speaker was Mariya Kosanova, Country Manager of HPE operated by Selectium.
Professor Emanouil Atanassov, head of the Department of Scalable Computing and Applications with HPC Center at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences was an invited speaker at technology session 2, AI & HPC: Harness the power of supercomputing. He gave a talk entitled “The HEMUS supercomputer: Enabling Innovation and business development”. His presentation included the technical details of the supercomputer that at the end of 2023 was ranked 360th in the world in terms of computational power. He described the institute’s potential for collaboration with the industry as a portfolio of services, backed by a diverse set of competencies in the areas of High Performance Computing, High Performance Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence that include training, consultations, proof-of-concept and software development, and domain-specific research and development.
More information about this forum can be found here.