This webinar will present the main features of the Energy Aware Runtime (EAR) software, specifically targeted for users of high-performance computing data-centers that use both HPC and AI applications.. EAR is the energy management software, which is installed in several European Data Centers such as SuperMUC-NG (LRZ), Snellius (SURF) and now in MN5 (BSC). EAR offers services for system energy monitoring (including system and node powercap), job-level energy and performance monitoring, and energy optimization through a runtime library. The speaker will show how to characterize and optimize applications that represent common CPU intensive, memory intensive, and GPU use cases as well as how to correlate application metrics with energy results, helping users to understand their applications. Some examples of EAR data visualization will be done using Graphana and EAR job analytics tools. Speaker: Julita Corbalan – Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
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