THEMATIC SEMINAR “HPC Services for SMEs,” October 25, 2024, Sofia, UNWE

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On October 25, 2024, a seminar titled “High-Performance Computing (HPC) Services for SMEs” was held, aimed at presenting specialized HPC services for businesses. The event was hosted by the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia.

The program featured representatives from two leading companies—Victor Todorov from Adastra Bulgaria and Teodor Panayotov from Ethermind—who shared their perspectives on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on business development and the acquisition and enhancement of employee skills.

Participants in the seminar, representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bulgaria, were introduced to the goals and objectives of the EuroCC2 project, as well as opportunities for collaboration to apply high-performance computing in solving complex business challenges.