The cooperation with the company PHOENIX Pharma EOOD kicked off with several meetings that were organized in order to discuss the tasks on which the company needs consultations from the NCC Bulgaria team. The company is part of the PHOENIX Group, a leading pharmaceutical distributor in Europe, supplying medicines and medical products to 27 countries with significant achievements in integrated health service delivery.
As a preliminary element of the cooperation, NCC Bulgaria organized an “Introduction to HPC” training course. It took place on October 12, 2023 in the IICT training hall and 15 company representatives participated in it. The program started with a presentation of the National Competence Center for High Performance Computing in Bulgaria within the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and continued with the lectures “High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems”, “Introduction to Parallel Computations”, “Message Passing Interface (MPI)” and Hands-on sessions using MPI. Participants were also given guided tour around IICT’s HPC and Data Center.
During the visit, the participants showed great interest in the new supercomputer HEMUS with peak performance of more than 3 Petaflops as well as in the new data storage system with a capacity of 6.72 Petabytes.