Training on Tsunami and Meteorological Modelling, organized by CoE ChEESE, 13-14 May 2024, online

Training on Tsunami and Meteorological Modelling, organized by CoE ChEESE, 13-14 May 2024, online

  • Post category:News

ChEESE – the Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Exascale in Solid Earth is organizing an online training course on Tsunami and Meteo-Tsunami Modelling. The training will provide the participants with the knowledge and numerical tools required to perform the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of tsunamis and meteo-tsunamis. A brief theoretical overview on the processes and mechanisms producing this kind of natural events will be first provided. Then, the European flagship code, Tsunami-HySEA, will be used to simulate various tsunami and meteo-tsunami events. Tsunami-HySEA solves the 2D shallow water equations on hydrostatic and dispersive versions. Based on a high-order Finite Volume (FV) discretisation (hydrostatic) with Finite Differences (FD) for the dispersive version on two-way structured nested meshes in spherical coordinates. Meteo-HySEA is a version of Tsunami-HySEA code able to include meteorological forcing (atmospheric pressure and wind stress) as input, more precisely as boundary conditions.

For registration and further information, please visit the event website.