Webinar: SRA 6 – Storage and I/O / Programming Models

Webinar: SRA 6 – Storage and I/O / Programming Models

  • Post category:News

The ETP4HPC’s SRA6 which was released in December 2024 provided a set of key recommendations and R&I priorities in various HPC technical areas. This webinar dedicated to SRA 6 focusses on our current R&I recommendations, perspectives and priorities in the area of HPC programming models, and, HPC Storage and I/O – which are two of the nine HPC research domains. Discussions will involve State of the Art, Upcoming Challanges, Post Exascale Vision along with the R&I recommendations. The White Papers corresponding to these discussions are available on the ETP4HPC website.

Registration link: https://etp4hpc.eu/event/etp4hpc-webinar-sra-6-storage-and-i-o-programming-models/